Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ohio Library Council

I'm heading down to Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio Library Council Convention and Expo. This will be my first Expo since they switched to a biennial format.
I'm pretty excited to be going since I would like to be more active within OLC. I've stepped up my activity level within ALA and would like to act locally as well.
I'm going to be attending a good number of the Library/Web 2.0 workshops as well as "You Offer Me Nothing": Serving Next Generation Patrons. I am still chomping at the bit to try out anything related to Library/Web 2.0. I'd even be willing to train people. Getting institutional buy-in can be difficult in any organization. Is it worse in libraries? I'm not sure. I know that libraries ought to be at the forefront of this movement and yet so many libraries balk at just *trying* something different. If the library is an established center of a community, why not expand and strengthen that "market share" by exploring avenues where other patrons are already investigating? By no means did I wish to turn this into a rant about slow to change libraries and their bullet holes in their feet. An up and coming blog on that is exploring Library 2.0 is Library Alchemy. I've been intrigued by this since this librarian is at a major metropolitan library and it is interesting to see how it's playing out there.
Speaking of playing out, I need to head out. See you in Columbus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy - thanks for the plug, and have a good time away. I think every library's culture is different, and what I'm trying to do right now with my blog is model the sorts of things we could be doing, and gathering evidence on how it works, to make my case. Wish me luck!