Thursday, November 20, 2008

Interested in presenting at ALA Annual 2009 in Chicago?

One of my friends and colleagues on ALA Council, Aaron Dobbs posted an entry on his blog to get the word out of an amazing opportunity for those that are not affiliated with a committee/round table/etc. in ALA.

Aaron the Librarian's blog entry

It would be a great opportunity for those that want to get more involved and share what you are doing that can improve library services.

I would love to pair up with someone on free software, reader's advisory and/or using Twitter as a library tool for marketing, etc. I'm just not sure who/how to get this off the ground. I'm just starting to think about making presentations about what I'm doing, what I'm really excited about and what I see as the future of library services. It's not that I want to be the next Helene Blowers or the next Nancy Pearl. I am really excited about the tools that we can use to be where our patrons are, that enable libraries to provide quality service to those aren't even *at* the library, that launch us into the 21st century.

I sent out the call to all of our reference and children's staff in hopes that they might be inspired to create a program and share it at ALA Annual 2009.

I hope the Creating Connections initiative by Jim Rettig, ALA President has some fantastic programs. Maybe one of them will be yours?

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