Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Searching Blogs for Genealogical Information - Talk - March 15

I'll be giving a talk on "Searching Blogs for Genealogical Information" to the Hudson Genealogical Study Group at the Hudson Library and Historical Society on March 15th at 9:30am.

I'm currently crafting my talk. I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak to the Hudson Genealogical Study Group and look forward to presenting my talk. I'll be sure to post some notes.

I remember when I taught an Introduction to Blogging class last year. While there were not many people that attended, the age range of the participants took me by surprise. An eighty plus year old man and his wife started a necktie blog. A woman in her mid-fifties started a blog for "her ramblings". I felt like this was a great opportunity for different age groups to empower themselves with technology. Yes, there are millions of blogs out there but someone may come across it and your voice is heard. An electronic message in a bottle, if you will.

There is a feeling of hope when a person writes a blog entry. Hope that someone will read it, understand it and perhaps comment. Even if I never amass a huge readership such as Meredith Farkas or Karen Schneider, I'll at least know that I'm a part of something. My voice does matter and I am (hopefully) contributing to the knowledge of humankind. One of the many reasons why I'm a the hopes of helping people better themselves.

1 comment:

K.G. Schneider said...

Your voice matters! Keep on blogging!